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Saturday 11 January 2014

Korle Bu Blood Bank Runs Out of Blood

Culled from GraphicOnline
The Korle Bu Blood Bank has appealed to members of the public to donate blood to replenish its stock, which is currently at a record low.
The situation, according to the bank has made it impossible for them to provide for patients in critical need of blood.

Medical staff at the hospital claim one life has already been lost as a result of the situation.

A press release from the hospital said the current stock of blood at the bank stands at 62 processed units of blood, against a daily requirement of 200 units of blood needed to serve the over 50 hospitals in the Accra catchment area.

The situation, according to the bank has arisen due to "an increased demand for blood during the Christmas holidays, putting unusual pressure on the stock levels.”

The bank said that unless individual voluntary donors, corporate organisations and institutions come forward to donate blood, the situation would be exacerbated further.


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